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Pravkar lajkani Facebook statusi - Stran 3
Včasih potrebuješ zelo malo, da si srečen. Včasih pa ti nič ne pomaga. Začni iskati srečo v sebi, da jo boš imel vedno na dosegu roke.
Ključ do uspeha je osredotočenost na tisto, kar si želimo, ne na tisto, česar nas je strah.
Samo Chuck Norris ve Ko to tamo peva
Don't worry if your single, God's looking at you right now saying.................... "I'm saving this girl for someone special". :$
1 cigareta pomeni 10 min manj življenja, 1 seks pa pomeni 15 min. več življenja! Zato vam priporočam: J**ite se za življenje!
Tok te bom usekau, da se ti bo na Fejsu status spremenu :D
Bruno Mars had a Grenade, and Tiao Cruz had Dynamite, so they both threw them at Katy Perry who exploded like a Firework. The bang was so loud that the Black Eyed Peas forgot The Time, while Rihanna had memory loss and ran around saying Whats My Name.Eminem looked around and said Im Not Afraid, then Willow Smith began to Wip Her Hair, which started a Far East Movement. They then crashed their G6 into a club and LMFAO finally stopped Party Rocking. Luckily for Nelly it was all Just aDream. :D
Ljubezen je lepa, ljubezen je vse, če fant ljubi le ENO dekle!
Vse se zgodi z razlogom,ampak na stara pota se vrača tisti, ki novih ni sposoben prehodit :)
usakmu rečeš, da si še junfr.. WTF?! a ga maš na fršlus al kaj? :'D